literary and science fiction

I am a scientist, author, artist, and musician.
After getting a PhD in neuroscience, I became a science writer, covering the latest research in accessible news releases and articles.
Learning about the brain in graduate school unlocked a love for speculative fiction. What is reality? Our perception of life is simply a story that our brains stitch together. So what happens when that story changes?
My favorite stories are those that interrogate reality. Often, that means science fiction, but I enjoy any fiction that makes me question what it means to be human, to love, to move throughout this world or another.
My first novella, SUM, was published in 2022 (Ellipsis Imprints). It was long-listed with the British Science Fiction Association for best short fiction. I have about a thousand other stories in me, so please follow this space for forthcoming books. You can also find me on Twitter (@sciencegeekmel).
Photo by Josh Clinton